January 2023


Acting on behalf of Tregarin NW Ltd, property consultancy Legat Owen has completed the disposal of two units at Cheshire Green Employment Park in Wardle, Nantwich to local property company, Propsco Ltd, for a combined total of £3.7million.

The sale coincided with the practical completion of the two units by main contractor Portal which were built speculatively. Unit 1e, comprising 11,229 sq ft is under offer to the UK arm of a German manufacturing business, with Unit 1f, measuring 17,240 sq ft, available to let.

The announcement comes after the Employment Park confirmed three land sales last year. Everything Genetic, a provider of medical testing kits, acquired plot 7 for the development of a 130,000 sq ft facility. Property company Spitfire purchased 2.3-acres for the development of a 30,000 sq ft unit and Andrews Property Investment bought a 3.1-acre Plot 4 to allow a 50,000 sq ft new-build unit for a retained client.

All but one plot of the first phase at Cheshire Green has now been sold and the second phase has attracted an international manufacturer to sign an Exclusivity Agreement on 12-acres for a new 200,000 sq ft facility.

Speaking about the completion, Matthew Pochin, commented:

This transaction marks a significant tipping point for the scheme. We have successfully developed a real quantum of buildings and occupiers at Cheshire Green , with around 200,000 sq ft built out and planning being sort on another 150,000 sq ft.

Matt Pochin, Director, Legat Owen

Cheshire Green Industrial Park is located on the A51 in central Cheshire within easy reach of the key towns of Crewe, Chester and Warrington. With planning permission for nearly 1.5 million sqft of industrial and distribution uses and open storage land, Cheshire Green Industrial Park offers development plots from 1 to 20 acres to suit occupiers of all sizes.

Propsco was unrepresented.